open call for authors
ZAMAN invites authors to apply for our open call with research-based texts on women visual artists in Bashkortostan. The subjects can be artists themselves, if they worked or still work in Bashkortostan from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, or their artistic legacy, or the processes of the local art scene that are in one way or another related to these artists. The goal of the open call is to stimulate research and to boost visibility and significance of women’s local arts in the context of our region and beyond it.
We accept submissions of original research works. The texts that are selected by our experts will be printed in our zine, with the authors of selected and published texts receiving a payment of 10,000 rubles.
Participants may be of any age and may reside in, or hold the citizenship of, any country of the world.

Application requirements:
  • Author’s CV
  • Portfolio with examples of author’s texts
  • Submission text (no longer than 6,000-8,000 words including footnotes, endnotes, and bibliography, in .doc or .docx file format)

Required file names format:
Last name_First name_CV, Last name_First name_portfolio, Last name_First name_text
Deadline: no deadline
Please send your applications to the email, with “open call nafisa” as the subject line. The zine will be compiled on a rolling basis.

Maria Kravtsova - curator, art critic, editor-in-chief of the website
Olga Ramazanova - artistic director of the Miras Gallery
Shamil Shaaev - artist, curator of the Nafisa project